disappearedinamerica.org - DIA

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Sami Med Fathi Ben Hafaiedh

--> Visible was a collective [2004-2007] of artists, activists, and lawyers looking at hyphenated states and security panic . The majority of detainees in paranoia times were from the invisible underclass - shadow citizens who drive taxis, deliver food, clean tables, and sell fruit, coffee, and newspapers. The only time we "see" them is when we glance at the license in the taxi partition, or the vendor ID card. When detained, they cease to exist in the consciousness. The impulse to create an insider-outside

SHOWS New York : Visible Collective's video was included by Wrong Gallery (Maurizio Cattelan/Ali Subotnick/Massimiliano Gioni) in 2006 Whitney Biennial ; Queens Museum ( Fatal Love ); Artist Space ( When Artists Say We ); Cooper Union School of Art ( Knock @ The Door ); Tenement Museum ( Above Ground ); Broadway Gallery ( Rule of Law ); Rubin Museum ; Brecht Forum; Asian American Arts Center ( Detained ) Belgrade : BelefNet Amsterdam : Amsterdam Film Experience Karlskrona : Karlskrona Military Museum Liverp

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