dirt60631.com - Life + Style

Description: A lifestyle blog on gardening, entertaining and style for the home.

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There is a rush for Spring to unfold.  To see, once again, something fresh and in bloom.  But at this moment, as the light has changed and the shadows have shifted, there is a beauty in the late winter garden that I should not wish away too quickly.  

I have to remind myself during the garden chores, to stop and admire the garden structure, admire this moment of quiet beauty.  For soon it will be gone, and will be replaced with the fast moving, exuberant charms of the Spring storm.

Now is when the structure of the shrubs, the box and the evergreens, look their best with the flattering light and long shadows of the late afternoon.  From my perch, the view along the southside of the garden is framed in box hedges and focused thru a weeping white spruce ( Picea glauca ) and a narrow arborvitae ( Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire' ) to a drift of snowdrops ( Galanthus nivalis ) now blooming under the Pin Oak ( Quercus palustris ).  The late afternoon light intensifies the evergreens and