dimitrisangelakis.org - Angelakis Research Group – Research in Quantum Computing and Quantum Technologies

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Research in Quantum Computing and Quantum Technologies

We are working in quantum technologies with a focus in implementations of quantum computation and quantum simulation with quantum optical systems. Our research could be applied towards developing exotic high-performance quantum processors and simulators, and also for fundamental science in the area of strongly correlated quantum systems.  read more .

April 2023:  The first paper of our PhD student Harvey is out! We studied how topological data analysis can be used to characterize complex chaotic quantum dynamics! Well done Harvey and team! March 2023:  Supercomputing Asia, a massive gathering of HPC experts from all over the region is on! Our group leader has been giving two talks on qubit efficient quantum algorithms for chemistry and optimization and their applications to industrial use cases. Check out the exciting program here . February 2023:  Our