- Digital Lady Syd's Tidbits Blog

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Had some fun with this phone image of a beautiful spring flower. Not sure what type it is, but it is gorgeous. Actually post-processed a very normal image, but I decided to try an alternate version. In this case Topaz Studio 2 was opened and just a vignette and AI ReMix filters were applied. Remix was set to Abstract Swirl Style using only 0.17 opacity and Sat set 0.75 (other were default settings). It applied these beautiful brush effects to the petals which is what you see above. I am still mourning the f

05/09/2023 | Categories: Topaz Studio | Tags: Gradient Tool , Topaz Studio AI ReMix | Leave A Comment »

Can’t believe I did not post this image a while back. It is one of my favorites and it was taken using my 60 mm F/2.8 macro lens (with my Bower 0.5 x High Definition Wide Lens attached) right after a heavy rainfall. Lightroom Camera Raw settings were added before opening Photoshop. Topaz Sharpening AI was applied first (I still love this plugin!) and a Color Lookup Adjustment Layer using my preset. On a stamped layer (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E), Viveza was opened – the settings made the image pop! A Burn Layer was a

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