- Digital Modes Club

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Special QSL offer for DMC members.Check it now!

Digital Modes Club(DMC) is for all licensed HAM operators and SWL's who likes the digital modes. It's free lifetime membership. If you are active or just would like to start on the DIGITAL MODES like: RTTY,PSK31,MFSK16,MT63,TOR,AMTOR,PACTOR,PACTOR II, PACTOR III,G-TOR,CLOVER,HF PACKET,HELLSCHREIBER,THROB etc. You have made the Right Choice! Here you can meet another people with a similar interests , to share your experience, to help those who just start ussing these modes and to find good friends between th

The Digital Modes Club started on the end of 2006 and was created by LZ3HI and LB9JE. We deceide to create this club as we have very good friendship (we can say we are family friends ) comes from our hobby and because all of us like the DIGI MODES.So we really hope this club will help you finding very good friends between the HAM Amateurs with the same interests as yours and we hope you will be kind to share your experience with the beginers or just to make fun.We have some awards as it's will be interestin

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