- 米博app登录入口·中国有限公司

Description: 米博app登录入口·中国有限公司成立于2001年注册资金18亿婉儿接待是一家专业从事汽车传动系统关键零部件及总成产品开发与生产的科技型企业,公司主要生产汽车变速箱同步器总成、齿环、齿座、滑套、锥毂及粉末冶金齿座、同步环等零部件产品。米博app登录入口·中国有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的科技创新型、环境友好型。

digital geiger counter (3) images scientific instruments (2) images si. (2) 米博app登录入口·中国有限公司 (1) 649241887256 gca-07w

Example domain paragraphs

THE GCA-07W DIGITAL GEIGER COUNTER is the only Geiger counter you will ever have to purchase. It has a proven track record detecting and measuring nuclear radiation in hospitals, medical research, college laboratories,industrial settings, transport containers, top soil, granite table tops, scrap metal, oil fields, objects and interior spaces.

APPLICATIONS and USES: Personal radiation detection: Survey meter: Education and nuclear experiments: Emergency Services: Domestic preparedness: Post-accident response. Compliance Verification and Radiation Screening for wastes and other materials.

LCD DISPLAY: The 16 x 2 character LCD displays radioactive count and radiation level in mR/hr or mSv/hr. Time selection switch allows Counts Per Second (CPS) or Counts Per Minute (CPM) mode.

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