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Description: 20.09.17 “Sampler and Zither Extended II” Live at Donori Contemporary Festival (14.09.17). Click on the image to watch the photos. Enjoy them!!! 22.08.17 Live with Tersite Rossi "I signori della cenere" musical reading (03.08.17) Click on the image to watch the photos. Enjoy them!!! 20.07.17  New Review by Mario Biserni on the Italian Blog “Sands-zine”. Thanks!!!! Read…

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20.09.17 “ Sampler and Zither Extended II ” Live at Donori Contemporary Festival  (14.09.17). Click on the image to watch the photos. Enjoy them!!!

22.08.17 Live with Tersite Rossi “ I signori della cenere ” musical reading (03.08.17)

Click on the image to watch the photos. Enjoy them!!!

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