diclaro.org - Easy Homeschooling: diclaro – das digitale Klassenzimmer

Description: Die Schule der neuen Generation: diclaro Homerschooling. diclaro ermöglicht es Kindern und Jugendlichen, unterrichtet zu werden, ohne in die Schule zu müssen!

schule (4230) unterricht (1795) corona (1670) videochat (242) klassenzimmer (19) homescooling (2) heimunterricht (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Digital, personal, planable: diclaro makes homeschooling easy to understand! Children and adolescents can be taught without having to go to school. Students choose an available date, teachers teach with a video conference tool via the Internet. Die neue Art von Homeschooling – so online kann Schule sein! Videochat mit Multi-User-Funktion, kostenlos und werbefrei. Jetzt auch als App!

Exit restrictions, long stay abroad, hospital? With diclaro children are taught personally without being present on site. The simple way of homeschooling!

Teachers set their availability in the diclaro calendar, students can easily choose a time for their personal appointment - for predictable homeschooling.

Links to diclaro.org (1)