dicc.org - DICC

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The Downtown Ithaca Children’s Center (DICC) provides innovative, affordable child-care for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years, plus after-school and summer-camp programs for school-age children throughout Tompkins County, on a full time or drop-in basis. With a whole-child approach, warm staff, pioneering educational curriculum, supportive environment, and healthful, freshly prepared food, DICC provides a diverse community where children are happy, healthy, and prepared to enter their next educational settin

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We are proud to announce that DICC is fundraising to create an inclusive playground! We are teaming up with our local community partners in creating an playground for everyone.  Each of our 8 classrooms will create a one-of-a-kind Be Kind Heart sign, courtesy of Darrell Harrington, Be Kind Ithaca.  Each sign will be sold as ‘pay what you may’, and proceeds go towards our new playground!  Currently $1 from every keychain sold goes to DICC, check out Be Kind Ithaca here .  Here us talk with Dave & Jen in The