dianefarnsworth.com - Landing Page - Diane Farnsworth

Description: I am Diane Farnsworth and I am an Expressive Arts Therapist and Angel Healer living in beautiful British Columbia, Canada.

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Diane Farnsworth

Angel Healer | Expressive Arts Therapist

I am a lifelong artist and certified expressive arts therapist, (REAT), with a creative writing degree from University of British Columbia , as well as having a background in dance, acting, art, and film-making.  I’ve also had the privilege to train in dance therapy with both Ofir Gabay, ( Langara College , Vancouver), and Daria Halprin, ( Tamalpa Institute , California).   I did my practicum at Pacifica Recovery Centre , later working there as a drama therapist until the 2020 lockdown.  After graduating in