dianaibclc.com - normal, like breathing | normalizing breastfeeding in American culture

Description: normalizing breastfeeding in American culture

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Lots of friends and colleagues are sharing photos of their early breastfeeding days to commemorate World Breastfeeding Week (which is this week). I don’t have any pictures to share. After an uneventful pregnancy, a bout of norovirus tore through 2/3 of my family of origin on the day after Thanksgiving. I went to the Army…

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  As emerging research sheds light on possible reasons for lactation trouble even when mothers receive competent support, insulin resistance, or IR, is rising to the forefront of the discussion of possible causes. The following is an adapted-for-the-blogosphere excerpt of my upcoming book, Finding Sufficiency: Breastfeeding with Insufficient Glandular Tissue, which will be available this summer from…

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