dgnb-academy.com - DGNB Academy: Training and further education on sustainable building | DGNB

Description: The DGNB Academy is the central platform for the transfer of knowledge about the sustainable planning, construction and operation of individual buildings and entire districts. We pass on practical expertise from all disciplines of the construction and real estate industry in a variety of formats.

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Example domain paragraphs

Sustainability is one of the prevailing issues when it comes to growth, efficiency, and future viability. Therefore, companies, cities, and municipalities increasingly focus their strategies on sustainable development. As a central knowledge platform for sustainable construction the DGNB offers its entire expertise to a broad professional audience of the construction and real estate sectors, and beyond.

International Application

A key factor for the success of the DGNB System is its unique selling point: the adaptability and flexibility which makes the system perfectly suited for use in a wide variety of countries. English-language certification criteria, based on European norms and standards, can be adapted quickly and easily by DGNB Auditors and Consultants to respond to local conditions. In doing so they support integrated planning, assure quality during the construction process, and promote innovative building concepts.