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“It has been two years since I had my first NeoGraft hair transplant. I was pretty much bald on top but could only afford 750 grafts. The hair grew but was still sparse. A year later (last year) I had another 750 grafts. I am really happy with the results but really need another 1000 grafts for maximum density. I plan to undergo a 3rd session soon which should be my last procedure. Even if you can’t afford to have all the grafts done at the same time, doing it like I did still pays off. I am no longer bald

“After doing my research into hair restoration, there was no reason for me to consider anything else but the NeoGraft way. I did not want a scar on the back of my head. I wanted the option of a short hair cut or even a complete shave – down the road. I also did not want to go through the extended healing and pain of the strip method offered to me by Bosley. I was willing to pay more for NeoGraft. It just made sense”

“I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am with my new look after having a hair transplant. Although it’s only been a few months, I can see the hair growth and thickness where I had no hair. I haven’t involved myself in swimming or water skiing for years because of the way I looked. I can see light at the end of the tunnel regarding my sports and I couldn’t be happier. The procedure was essentially painless and there was no need to take time off from work. Thank you.”