- Depave

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Join us for our largest depaving event of the year at Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church in Cully at 9am on July 15! We will be ripping up pavement in the 18,000 square foot parking lot behind the church which we will be transforming into a community garden and nature play area. Read more about the project here!

There will be skating of all kinds, local vendors, plantlife, site-specific art installations, an awesome lineup of live music music, food, drink, and more in a truly unique placemaking experience! Come learn about Depave’s vision for creating an alternative to cars in the heart of the central eastside of Portland – the 7th and Sandy Green Plaza project! Musical performances on Saturday afternoon by Brown Calculus, Mreens, Dusty Santamaria, Mreens, Lapaushi, and Mo.

Depave Chicago is our newest partner and we are thrilled to suppor them as they embark on their first project at The Montessori School of Englewood.

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