domain details

Description: U-tube density meter repair workshop

dma (50) density meter (21) anton paar (17) u-tube (7) dma4500 (2) dma4100 (2) dma5000 (2) critical error occured (2) 9954 (2) error: 9954

Example domain paragraphs

With over 12 years of experience as service engineers, and many repairs done we offer you a pssibility to fully renew and repair your classic DMA 4100 , DMA 4500 and DMA 5000 density meters which are not supported by manufacturer anymore. We will fix every error like "critical error 9954" and every another problem with your instrument.

This malfunction type is most common. It can happen regarless intrument age, enviromental conditions, operating procedures etc. You may get some other error codes, like temperature sensor errors 8931, 8941. Almost all codes are 4-digit, but sometimes 3-digit cades also appear (i.e. 519).

If your density meter powers on with black screen (usually with one flashing white line) or white screen and doesn't boot up, you experience main board problem which, of course, can be fixed !

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