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Example domain paragraphs

Kangwo jidian is a set of research and development, manufacturing, sales, service in the integration of engine, generator set research and development manufacturers. The main Operating various types of generating sets for industrial (pump station) use, Marine, power stations and other fields. Power coverage: 80KW--2000KW. Its professional, efficient and grade of power products are widely used in petroleum and petrochemical, mining, manufacturing, transportation, high-rise construction bank finance, post and

The company relies on a good commercial reputation and the development potential and shandong weichai, Shanghai dongfeng, wuxi vandy, daewoo, Rolls-Royce, Volvo, mercedes-benz, cummins leroy somer, ABB, Stanford, marathon and other famous companies at home and abroad to establish long-term friendly relations of cooperation. And become his OEM.Matching plants and special maintenance points.

The company produces a complete set of generating units with common type mobile type, anti-sound type, self-starting generating set, three-remote generating set, ATS automatic switching screen, etc.Automatic parallel screen and other intelligent generating units, the unit adopts Chinese and English liquid crystal module, full digital display, with overspeed, oil temperature, water temperature and oil pressure automatic protection system. Our technical service personnel can provide more accurate and effectiv

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