- Deliberate Practice Bootcamp Online – Jason Haaheim

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Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been doing what I can to give back to our community by offering a “Pay What You Can” online version of the Deliberate Practice Bootcamp (DPB). Registration is now open for session 6, running June 7-11, 2021 (6:00-7:30p edt, with Zoom replays available for registrants). This week-long seminar is open to all instrumentalists (and lifelong learners of any craft), and it's dedicated to the legacy of the intellectual father of deliberate practice, my mentor Ander

[ Unfortunately obsolete statement, as of March 2022… ] While the situation in the United States is certainly not yet “back to normal,” we’re a whole lot closer than we were during our last virtual bootcamp in February 2021; now that I’ve had my 2nd Pfizer shot, I’m finally looking forward to visiting other vaccinated friends in-person, and even getting to play in a festival orchestra in August. We’re not out of the woods yet, but things are finally trending in the right direction!

But since I’ve been without access to timpani for most of the past 14 months, I’m going to be spending a good chunk of my own summer shedding and getting back in shape — i.e., doing my best to take my own deliberate practice advice!