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The Deichmann family is committed to Christian values. Learn how these values are reflected in the DEICHMANN Foundation’s work.

Many, many Madagascans are struggling to survive every day. Find out how the DEICHMANN Foundation provides a real future at diverse locations. read more give help where help is needed WITH STRONG PARTNERS IN GERMANY AND AROUND THE WORLD Let’s help together to make a difference. Discover how the DEICHMANN Foundation helps, together with qualified organisations read more .dct_slider_v3 .et_pb_slider_container_inner .et_pb_slide_description .et_pb_slide_content h1 { font-size: 59px; line-height: 69px; font-wei

In principle, we work closely with highly qualified partners. We are also supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With our work, we continuously contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the globally coordinated 2030 Agenda. We support projects in the following areas DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION In examples of project areas: emergency and desaster relief In examples of project areas: education and social participation In examples of project areas: HEALTHCARE In

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