- Verily | Nothing Interesting

Description: Nothing interesting

Example domain paragraphs

This site is a plain text file. Sitting somewhere on Amazon's S3 service, and pushed to you, my dear reader, by way of a CloudFront endpoint. In much the same way websites speed up the download of their sites assets using CloudFront, I serve the whole thing from there. I didn't used to.

Before all this. In the before times, I used WordPress (actually, before that I used MoveableType). It's simple to set up, really customizable and generally very easy to get a decently working blog going. That's the problem.

You see, for me, when I have something that I can enable web mentions, or comments, or trackbacks or pings and microformats and mastodon-interactions and micropub things . It gets to be too much of a temptation not to turn them all on, and make a royal mess of things. You see, choice is a powerful thing. While it would likely be great if I just turned them on and left it that way, I'm too much of a tinkerer to not customize it, or tweak it or style it or "fix" it in any number of ways. By itself, that would

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