- Defection Games | A Dan Gordon Intelligence Thriller by Haggai Carmon

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There’s a war being fought, but it’s just below the surface and away from the media’s gaze. It’s the civilized world against the theocratic pariah state of Iran — a race to stop their development of a nuclear weapon.

That’s where Dan Gordon, an Israeli lawyer and former Mossad agent now contracted by the CIA, comes in. He is an indefatigable lone wolf, never safe from hostile moves even by those he should trust. He is undeterred, and hurdles he successfully overcomes are only preludes to new ones.

Dan is assigned with the dangerous and sensitive joint CIA / Mossad mission: to extricate from Iran a defecting general with a trove of intelligence golden nuggets.  Operating beyond enemy lines and hostile territory, Dan realizes that he is being maneuvered by others, leading him to question his mission, his target and his superiors.

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