- DECUSSATIO – Intersecting Ideas

Example domain paragraphs

Intersecting Ideas

They have the concerned looks to match the learned degrees. Questions from others come with a certain reverence. They are with us always, but never more than in a crisis, and we seek them out, in search of the truth. They are more than willing to offer a view with little doubt or pause – this is science and they are — experts. We aren’t talking about natural science here, where facts are facts. The experts are social scientists, experts in the science of human interaction. What they want you to believe, wha

What is required to make this leap is the presumption that the human person, the individual, is an ordinary part in the natural machinery. Modern philosophy has led us this way. All knowledge is developed from sense experience, physical interaction with the natural world. Anything else is meaningless. Human interaction, therefore, becomes just another science governed by physical facts.