Description: Embodied Decision Making using Language Guided World Modelling

Example domain paragraphs

Reinforcement learning (RL) agents typically learn tabula rasa, without prior knowledge of the world. However, if initialized with knowledge of high-level subgoals and transitions between subgoals, RL agents could utilize this Abstract World Model (AWM) for planning and exploration. We propose using few-shot large language models (LLMs) to hypothesize an AWM, that will be verified through world experience, to improve sample efficiency of RL agents. Our DECKARD agent applies LLM-guided exploration to item cr

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We present DECKARD ( DEC ision-making for K nowledgable A utonomous R einforcement-leanring D reamers), an agent that hypothesizes an Abstract World Model (AWM) over subgoals by few-shot prompting an LLM, then exploits the AWM for exploration and verifies the AWM with grounded experience.

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