- Сувенир "Пасхальный кролик" 13197 артикул 12956b.

Example domain paragraphs

Cy Twombly: New Sculptures 1998-2005 Primarily known for his paintings and drawings, Cy Twombly has been creating sculpture during his entire career His characteristic use of poetic and mythic elements is also evident in this field Out of "mundane" objects such as crates, broomsticks, paper napkins, mashers, stools, string and paper обяьу he composes white-painted sculptures Retaining their everyday identity and materiality the constituent objects take on a condition oblivious to time and change and a life

In this major new work of art history, Adelheid M Gealt and George Knox assemble, present, and document for the first time a cycle of 313 drawings of scenes from the New Testament by the 18th-century Venetian draftsman Domenico Tiepolo (1727-1804) When Domenico died in 1804, the drawings were dispersed among various purchasers Locating, identifying, обяьэ and documenting them required years of detective work by Gealt and Knox This book presents the fruit of their labors and is a treasure that any art lover

Библиотека состоит из более чем семидесяти собраний сочинений классиков русской и советской литературы (в том числе и писателей русского зарубежья) В "Библиотеку" входят обяэв собрания классической прозы и поэзии Также присутствуют избранные и наиболее значимые произведения разных авторов Все собрания представлены изданиями в типографских переплетах Большинство из представленных собраний, помимо самих художественных произведений, содержат справочный аппарат, различные редакции текста, комментарии, биографич