dddbcn.org - Domain-Driven Design Barcelona

Example domain paragraphs

Mission 🎒 Anyone interested in DDD no matter the level of experience could have a place to learn, ask questions, experiment, network, discuss, share knowledge and experiences, exchange opinions and viewpoints and be encouraged and empowered to give a talk, conduct a live coding session, instruct or facilitate a workshop or propose an open discussion in whatever DDD related topic. 

Objectives 🎯 Create the local DDD Barcelona community and make it grow with our activity with meetups, social media and publication of content. The scope is the municipality of Barcelona. We may also cover the surrounding area that encompasses the comarca of Barcelonès (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Sant Adrià de Besòs, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona and Badalona).

Deliver the best experience to meetup attendees: gathering feedback for continuous improvement, diving into any DDD aspect making emphasis on what DDDers would like to learn and engage local DDD enthusiasts to actively take part leading a meetup session.

Links to dddbcn.org (1)