davidrolnick.com - David Rolnick

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I am an Assistant Professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair in the School of Computer Science at McGill University and at Mila – Quebec AI Institute . I serve as Co-founder and Chair of Climate Change AI , a global non-profit focused on catalyzing impactful work at the intersection of machine learning and climate change. I am also a Scientific Co-director of Sustainability in the Digital Age . My research foci are:

I was recently named to the MIT Technology Review “ 35 Innovators Under 35 ” list for work in machine learning and climate change. Previously, I was an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, working with Konrad Körding. I received my PhD in Applied Math from MIT in 2018, co-advised by Nir Shavit, Max Tegmark, and Ed Boyden. Before that, I was a Fulbright Scholar at the Freie Universität Berlin and an undergraduate in Mathematics and Music at MIT.

I am an Assistant Professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair in the School of Computer Science at McGill University and at Mila – Quebec AI Institute . My group’s work focuses on innovations in machine learning driven by problems in climate change – encompassing areas such as biodiversity monitoring, land use classification, climate model emulation, and materials discovery. We also work on mathematical understanding of the properties of neural networks.

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