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The Burning Land follows the turbulent lives of Henry Overstreet and Katie Nash of coastal Maine through family tragedies and America’s bloodiest war—one fought to free a people and redeem the nation’s soul. Often separated, the lovers' quiet letters capture each other’s heart as Katie struggles to launch a teaching career and Henry serves in Maine’s legendary Twentieth Regiment. Rising to sergeant through furious battles at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, Henry hurries home to marry on the Fourth of July, 1

After Katie nurses Henry through a grisly battlefield wound, he rebels against settling back in their small town. Dreaming of new horizons, Henry uproots their young family for booming Chicago, but little goes right in the overnight metropolis, testing their love as never before.

“An intimate, sweeping portrait of a country and couple divided, David O. Stewart’s The Burning Land does what all good historical fiction should do: gives us characters to root for and brings the past so vividly to life it feels like the present. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the trilogy unfolds.”

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