davidkeirsey.com - The Blog of David Mark Keirsey

Example domain paragraphs

To seek knowledge on how the world works has been my goal ever since I can remember. There is a dilemma in that pursuit. There were hills I couldn’t climb when I was young. The progress of science is the discovery at each step of a new order which gives unity to what had seemed unlike. — Jacob Bronowski

My father died on July 30th, 2013 and I intend to honor him, if I can, by writing a blog about his and my common and complementary Weltanschauugs and the consequences of me integrating our ansätze and my slow ansatz every year. Moreover, I also want to honor my elder son, who died on September 14, 2022. These are the previous blogs since my father’s death.   First year ,   Second Year ,  Third Year,  Fourth Year ,  Fifth Year ,  Sixth Year ,  Seventh Year.   Eighth Year , Ninth Year , The tenth year blog wa

What is the Weltanschauung?