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David Filmore is an award-winning screenwriter, actor, producer, author, animator, and film director. In 2012 he was the subject of the documentary HERO MAN, which followed his adventures as a real-life superhero battling crime on the mean streets of Los Angeles.

Dave lives in West Hollywood, where his extensive plans for a swarm of Death Stars are rapidly taking shape.

FILMS BOOKS HERO MAN News AJN - 'Shabbos Schmabbos?' Book Interview 'Which Witch?' - Best Animation Award HRIFF CBS News Singularity Weblog GoodReads CNBC - 'Meet HERO MAN' Interview NPR - KPCC 89.3 FM  (audio) Jewish Journal of Los Angeles IdeaMensch Interview Yahoo News! - HERO MAN Surreal L.A. Dark Roasted Blend Jewish Community Heroes Award Geek Speak Magazine Interview AJN - HERO MAN Interview NBC - HERO MAN Fights Crime on Hollywood Mean Streets Wonkette - 'It's Always Funny in the White House'    MER