davesewell.nz - Dave Sewell - Developing Psychologically Safe leaders

Description: Dave Sewell, Executive Leadership Coach. Discover how psychological safety creates better leaders who in turn create scalable and more sustainable organisations

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Putting psychological safety at the core of everybody's development

Interpersonal issues can last for hours, days, weeks, months and even years, and drives  team dysfunction, silos and office politics. This happens because our leaders have never been taught the skills to defuse those situations or worse they can’t approach the people involved for fear of retaliation. By being able to hold a place of psychological safety, this programme will give you the skills to face your fears and have those difficult conversations with people before they escalate into scenarios that beco

All interpersonal challenges are brought about by stress. Stress is our new Sabre Tooth Tiger and the major inhibitor to great performing teams and inclusive cultures. It is the cause of silos and office politics as well as bullies, nonperforming individuals and teams. Following years of research this book dives deep into the realm of psychological safety and will take every leader on a journey of discovery about themselves and their team. Learning from our ancestors and science to understand and leverage o