davefancher.com - Didactic Code | Learn By Doing

Description: Learn By Doing

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A few weeks ago “ Introducing Postman “, my first course for LinkedIn Learning/Lynda.com went live. This course focuses on many of the most useful features for individuals working with Web-based APIs including making requests, organizing requests, managing environments and variables, and sharing authentication methods across requests within folders and collections.

In an effort to minimize 3rd party dependencies that could “break” the course I developed a sample API and constructed all of the demos and exercises around that. I provided instructions for both Windows and Mac users to run the API prior to diving into the Postman demos. Naturally, one of the first questions asked about the course was “How do you run the sample application on Ubuntu 18?”

Now I freely bounce back and forth between Mac and Windows but I’m not what one would consider a Linux aficionado. Upon seeing that question I said to myself “Hmm, that’s a great question!” and set out to learn how to do it myself. I’m writing this with the hope that it answers that question and helps others who run into the same issue.

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