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With the recent announcement that Google Reader is being shut down, a timely re-assessment of personal knowledge management topics seems appropriate.

I have been a Google Reader user for years and have always appreciated the simple interface, strong search, and affordable price (free) that it offered.  Google says that they are shutting down Reader because use is declining.  If this is true, I wonder what tools the service departures are using to manage and archive content they deem important.  Email?  Are there really people that like to have reading content delivered to their inbox?  In 2013, it seems that most folks would be searching for ways to bett

I’m not personally aware of a more highly utilized tool that meets the price/performance curve, so I don’t think arrival of a new tool on the scene is the driver for this move.  Feedly seems to be the top jump-to point after the announcement, but it doesn’t seem to be the source behind Google’s shutdown of Reader.  Even LifeHacker doesn’t have a single recommended solution.  So where does a Google Reader go after being served an eviction notice?