- DataHighway

Example domain paragraphs

DataHighway is a decentralized Web3 organization specializing in the gathering and trading of Internet of Things (IoT) Data NFTs and F-NFTs. DataHighway is currently building an Inter-Chain Data Marketplace on the Kusama Network (after winning a Parachain slot last year on the Polkadot Ecosystem) where users will be able to share IoT Data with each other while trading them with DHX Tokens. The reason behind us choosing data is because the data industry now constitutes a billion dollar industry and we want e


DHX Token mining is a participative way to add value to our entire parachain ecosystem. As a token miner you will be entitled to a mining speed boost, and higher mining rewards if you are staking DHX tokens as a delegator or a collator on DataHighway. At first, the rewards will be determined by pre-set criteria in the genesis configuration of our launch, but as time goes by and DataHighway grows, the rewards will be voted upon and established by our DAO community. The votes will include topics such as the d