- Data Collective – A community for people using data in the social sector

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A community for people using data in the social sector Welcome to the Data Collective What is the Data Collective? The Data Collective is a community of individuals who work in the UK social sector, and use or want to use data. The purpose of the community is to help charities and other civil society organisations to access and analyse data better, in order to increase their impact.

The community exists to foster connections between people who may be facing similar data challenges, to share good practice, and to help organisations to share their data with other organisations, should they want to paint a fuller picture.

Members have access to peer support through our mailing list and slack channel, group workshops, and direct technical support. This support will help you to collect, use and share data in a way that maximises impact across the sector. The consultancy support is limited, so sign up ASAP to avoid disappointment!