darshanapress.com - The Six Darshanas: Modern translations and commentaries

Description: Modern complete translations of the Vaisheshika, Sankhya, Vedanta, Nyaya, Mimansa, and Yoga Darshanas as expositions of epistemological dualism.

yoga (14067) vedanta (132) sutra (43) nyaya (7) brahma sutra (4) darshana (2) sankhya (2) vaisheshika (1) purva mimansa (1) karma mimansa (1)

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Welcome to Darshana Press.

The purpose of Darshana Press is to make available new translations of six treatises of ancient Indian philosophy which have come to be known as "Darshanas", along with the first book of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, which predates them and may be seen as foundational to them. The translations reveal all seven compositions to be expositions of an epistemological dualism grounded in subjective idealism and solipsism. Most of these works take the form of a dialectic, with the author expounding the dualist phi

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