darsakthi.github.io - About and Contact Information | Dalton A R Sakthivadivel

Description: This is the personal website of Dalton Sakthivadivel.

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Research Talks Teaching Texts and Lecture Notes Posts About and Contact Information I am currently senior researcher in the mathematics group at the VERSES Research Lab . I am on leave from the Department of Mathematics at Stony Brook University, where I was also involved in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering inside SBU’s Renaissance School of Medicine. Previously, I was at MIT. Since January 2022 much of my work has been funded by VERSES.

I am broadly interested in applying methods from mathematical physics, like geometry, topology, and category theory, to problems in statistical and biological physics, random dynamics, and probability theory. I am particularly interested in non-equilibrium and non-stationary stochastic processes. For a summary of my current research, see this page (/research) .

My articles can be found on the arXiv . Some of the talks I have given are viewable here (/talks) . Advocacy and press relating to my work can be found here (/other) . Otherwise, reach me at [email protected] or [email protected] . (Note that the older *@verses.io extension remains in service.)

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