darkzengaming.com - DarkZenGaming

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Thanks to YOU the Mob Family grows bigger everyday! I am so humbled that you stopped by and joined the channel. We have been streaming for over a year and as we enter Season 3 of our LIVE stream, we have many new and cool things to share that you have already noticed and some stuff is yet to come. Keep watching and keep winning! More giveaways and more content in season 3 than EVER before! Our supporters make this happen! Thank YOU Fam.

I apologize for using the name of one of my favorite movies for the title of this article, but nothing captures my feelings better on the present subject. (Thanks Kevin Costner)

In 2001, I was introduced to First Person Shooter gaming with The UBI game series Ghost Recon. As that was 28 years ago, many of you were still in elementary school. Some perhaps not even born. In those days I was playing perhaps 8 to 10 hours a week for entertainment and the comradery of the modding community I was linked in to at the time. Much has changed in gaming over those near three decades. Today’s games are extremely fast paced and in this author’s opinion, over compensated. I can easily compare th

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