darksidedownunder.blogspot.com.au - DarkSide DownUnder

Description: Speculative fiction writers from Australia and New Zealand who have romantic elements in their work. #specfic #romance #fiction #authors

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This is a long read, friends! Grab a cuppa and two biscuits before you start.

My latest novel is a Shakespearean space fantasy, featuring an Aboriginal perspective character. To ensure a respectful and authentic depiction of someone with lived experience I didn’t have myself, I engaged a sensitivity reader — a process that shattered my expectations and prejudices in ways I never imagined.

Since then, I’ve gotten a few questions about what’s involved and what it’s like to work with a sensitivity reader. My experience was by no means universal, but I want to share what I can with writers who may one day find themselves in the position I was in after completing my first draft.