daphnetideman.com - Daphne Tideman

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Sometime you’ve hit a growth ceiling or growth isn’t going quite at the pace you want: acquisition has stalled, you’re struggling to improve retention or maybe its time to split up marketing / growth but you’re not sure how?

That is where I come in. In a discovery call we discuss your challenges and see how to best approach solving them. I offer various options from coaching to consulting to workshops depending on what you need to get past that growth ceiling and back on track.

Who am I? I’ve worked on both the agency and brand side, meaning I’ve seen it from both sides. I’ve helped a wide range of business types and have experience as a Head of Growth for a start-up. I decided to channel my experience into advising Founders and Head of Growths on how to grow faster. Together we focus on figuring out the fundamental reasons your growth isn’t going as fast as you’d like and solving them.