dannybutt.net - https://dannybutt.net

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Hi! You’ve reached the homepage of Danny Butt. I am Senior Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Practice, and Graduate Research Convenor for Design and Production at Victorian College of the Arts , University of Melbourne where I mostly teach Methods in Artistic Research for graduate students across the disciplines. For four years I was also Associate Director (Research) for the VCA. This followed a few years at the VCA working in the now discontinued Master of Arts and Community Practice, you can see my theory sy

I work with my dear friends in the  Local Time collective. I wrote a paper about our practice in relation to theories of hospitality for the excellent Journal of Artistic Research (where I am now an editor). That may be the most useful thing I’ve written, though that’s more due to Local Time’s practice than the writing.

I’ve spent the last 15 years or so researching the integration of art schools into the Anglophone university sector and why we now understand art as a form of research. My book Artistic Research in the Future Academy  was published by Intellect / University of Chicago Press in 2017. See more on the website . With my colleagues Dr Kurniawan Adi Saputro and Professor Gunalan Nadarajan, I co-convene the Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network .

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