danmusgrave.com - Dan Musgrave – Ape, Writer

Description: Dan Musgrave was raised by animals in rural Kansas. He is a writer and photographer with particular interest in the intersections of the human and animal world. Aside from short stories and narrative nonfiction, he is perpetually working on a novel inspired by his time with captive apes. However, at the moment his efforts are mainly…

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Dan Musgrave was raised by animals in rural Kansas. He is a writer and photographer with particular interest in the intersections of the human and animal world. Aside from short stories and narrative nonfiction, he is perpetually working on a novel inspired by his time with captive apes. However, at the moment his efforts are mainly directed toward a collaborative memoir with his father, John, probing the interpersonal and intergenerational ramifications of his father’s combat experience.

He holds an MFA from the University of Missouri- St Louis and an MA in Biological Anthropology from Iowa State University. For nearly seven years, he did linguistic, cognitive, and behavioral research with captive bonobos while they trained him in the art of being a better person.

Dan’s work has earned recognition from the Iceland Writers Retreat , Tulsa Artist Fellowship , Odyssey Writing Workshop , and numerous literary magazines and journals. He is a registered member of the Osage Nation .

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