danknowlton.com - Dan Knowlton | CG Software Engineer

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My passion is building tools and workflows that help digital content creators work more efficiently and powerfully. I am currently pursuing this passion as a Co-Founder and Technical Development Lead at Fabrica Software, LLC building iograft , a node-based workflow automation tool for Python.

Previously, I was a Production Engineer at Industrial Light & Magic . I received my Master of Science in Computer Graphics degree from Cornell University's Program of Computer Graphics in July 2015. I graduated from the Digital Media Design program at the University of Pennsylvania in May of 2013.

As a graduate and undergraduate student, I had the opportinity to take a variety of computer science, computer graphics, and fine arts courses. I worked as an R&D Tools/Software Engineer Intern at Blizzard Cinematics during the summer of 2013, a Production Engineering Intern at Lucasfilm Animation during the summer of 2012, and as an Engineering Intern at Google Inc. during the summer of 2011. I have also had the chance to TA a few courses at the University of Pennsylvania including a 3D Modeling course, In

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