danieldauner.github.io - Daniel Dauner

Example domain paragraphs

I am a graduate of the University of Tübingen . Having recently completed my master's thesis, I am looking for promising PhD positions! Interests: My research interest lies in the intersection of machine learning and robotics, where I am deeply fascinated by autonomous driving. Specifically, I am exploring data-driven simulation and representation learning for vehicle motion planning. My ultimate goal is to contribute to the realization of fully autonomous cars.

Bio: I received my BSc in Bioinformatics in 2021 and my MSc in Computer Science in 2023 (with distinction) at the University of Tübingen. The highlight of my master's education was developing a vehicle motion planner that won the 2023 nuPlan challenge . Currently, I am a research assistant at the Autonomous Vision Group , supervised by Prof. Andreas Geiger .

For any inquiries, feel free to write an email!

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