dandruff.ca - What is Dandruff?

Description: Dandruff is a condition in which the scalp produces an excess amount of flakes. Although people without dandruff also produce flakes, as they are simply dead cells, they are usually microscopic and not visible to the eye...

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Dandruff is a condition in which the scalp produces an excess amount of flakes. Although people without dandruff also produce flakes, as they are simply dead cells, they are usually microscopic and not visible to the eye. Those with dandruff have an accelerated rate, making the skins clump together into larger pieces, making them large enough to be visible.

Anyone can get dandruff, but in most cases, it does not start until the age of ten. In those over the age of 30, it is said that up to 40% of people suffer from some dandruff to some degree. It is an extremely common condition among both men and women in all parts of the world.

Dandruff is simply the acceleration of skin shedding, and dead cells clumping due to the oil in the scalp. As dandruff is multi-factorial, it is often difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. However, the following are some known risk-factors for dandruff: