dancingcookie.com - The Dancing Cookie – Sharing my passion for cookies with royal icing and cakes with buttercream!

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Sharing my passion for cookies with royal icing and cakes with buttercream!

I was asked to make a set of cookies for a young man headed to Indiana to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was so happy that suits were included in the request. I love making these little suits. They’re also good for weddings and prom/dance request sets. Here’s how to make them!

I started with a Wilton present cookie cutter  like the one you can get here:   https://www.amazon.com/Wilton-Cupcake-Present-Cookie-Cutter/dp/B008OAVP8O   I got the idea for making a suit with this cutter from the awesome Lilaloa.