danadalbo.com - Dana Dal Bo

Description: Dana Dal Bo : ARTIST : Photo, video, performance, digital painting, net art, weaving. Selfie, Reality Television, Re-enactment, surveillance, mirror, fairytale, fantasy, nudes, sexting, teen, top model, porn, hysteria, psychology.

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Dana Dal Bo --- As a pan-disciplinary artist I create in and between photo, video, digital painting, performance, and net art.  My practice is a fusion of these mediums with my divergent background in psychology and modeling. I am questioning the performance and/or construction of the self through contemporary visual/social media. I use reality television clips, surveillance footage, stolen naked selfies, other people's family photographs, talk radio snippets, 18th century hysteria iconography, fairtytales,

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DANA DAL BO works at the intersection of art, science, and technology. Her interests span surveillance practices, algorithmic pollution, deep-fakes, AI, and blockchain. She is an artist on a number of multidisciplinary research teams, which she refers to as co-inquiries; including Space Tango where as Artist in Residence she is researching the artistic potentials of the microgravity environment.