dammammap.com - Dammam Map

Description: Saudi Arabia - Map Animation, Physical Geography of Saudi Arabia (Map of Saudi Arabia) Saudi Arabia Map / Series of World Map, Saudi Arabia (Dammam) to Bahrain. King Fahd Causeway. Road experience. Bahrain bridge

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Dammam ( Arabic : الدمام ‎ ad-Dammām ) is the capital of Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia . The judicial and administrative bodies of the province, plus several government departments, are located in the city. Dammam is the largest city in the Eastern Province, and the fifth largest in Saudi Arabia, after Riyadh , Jeddah , Mecca , and Medina . It is the center of the Dammam metropolitan area , which together forms part as the third largest metropolitan area in Saudi Arabia, with an estimated combined populati

The Dammam metropolitan area is the largest metropolitan area in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia; it is formed by three main neighboring cities: Dammam, Dhahran , and Khobar . These three cities are sometimes referred to as the "Triplet Cities". Greater Dammam also includes many other smaller cities such as Al Qatif, Safwa, and Ras Tanura, with a total population of 5,212,000 as of 2012. The city is growing at an exceptionally fast rate of 12% a year - the fastest in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation

Saudi Arabia is a desert country encompassing most of the Arabian Peninsula, with Red Sea and Persian (Arabian) Gulf coastlines. Known as the birthplace of Islam, it’s home to the religion’s 2 most sacred mosques: Masjid al-Haram, in Mecca, destination of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, and Medina’s Masjid an-Nabawi, burial site of the prophet Muhammad. Riyadh, the capital, is a skyscraper-filled metropolis.