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Description: Web development

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This article looks at implementing an ASP.NET Core application which authenticates using Microsoft Entra External ID for customers (CIAM). The ASP.NET Core authentication is implemented using the Microsoft.Identity.Web Nuget package. The client implements the OpenID Connect code flow with PKCE and a confidential client. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/EntraExternalIdCiam Microsoft Entra External ID for customers (CIAM) is a […]

This post looks at the a recent fix for Blazor which I think is of massive importance. You can now develop with Blazor in Visual Studio (Preview) using a strong CSP. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/Hostedblazor8Aad When developing applications, the development environment should be as close as possible to the target production deployment. As a rule, the more […]

This article shows how to implement Azure Privileged Identity Management access in an ASP.NET Core application using an Azure security group. An Azure Conditional Access Authentication context is used for the Azure administrator giving access to the group for Azure AD users. The Authentication context is setup to require a phishing resistant authentication. An Enterprise application […]

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