dailycoffeefirst.com - Daily Coffee First - Where Creativity Starts

Description: Empowering creatives and artists to achieve their most important creative goals by helping them to get clear on their desires, stay focused, and overcome procrastination.

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It seems to be that life is really about the transformative journey and the opportunity to explore the peaks of inspiration. And over the years, people have asked me how I get things done and do all of the things that I do. I thought I would create a little something that may help you…

Creativity is a boundless force that dwells within each of us, waiting to be discovered and expressed. We all have a unique creative style that reflects our innermost passions, preferences, and artistic essence. Understanding and embracing this can be a transformative experience, igniting a journey of self-discovery and empowering us to unlock our full creative…

When it comes to our own bad habits, it’s easy to turn a blind eye and ignore them. It’s easy to convince yourself that these habits are deeply ingrained and impossible to overcome, so why bother trying? But that is far from the truth and breaking bad habits is not nearly as hard as one…

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