daffodilabsolute.com - Narcissus Absolute (des plaines) from hermitageoils.com

Description: Narcissus Absolute exudes warm, heady, delicately charged spiced fruit punch notes entwined with green crushed crisp foliage.

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June 16th at 2pm Italy time: As I type I need to stop with work now, Baby Sophia has an appointment this afternoon at the doctors. This weekend is also 100% family time so I will now be back at work and continue with orders across Monday 19th. At the moment I have assembled and dispatched all non.eu orders up to the 4th June and all e.u orders (generally easier) up to the 9th June. I apologise for the delays but I am really buried in work and need decisions to go my way, so that we can put staff in place. T

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€ 35.00 – € 295.00

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