daemonhall.ru - George Shearing Here And Now / New Look! артикул 13796a.

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Book DescriptionAlthough most people do not speak of theater and Iran in the same breath, dramatic expression has always been a fixture of Iranian culture Some 2500 years ago, kings and commoners alike were regaled by comic theater in the form of dance and mime, accompanied by music The dancers often wore masks, a vestige of an earlier era when such обьым dances were enacted as religious rites Comic drama also took a slapstick form, in which social situations were lampooned and people ridiculed by imitating

Book Description Issues of gender, religion, and landscape in the works of Shakespeare and Spenser are examined through the lens of colonialism and national identity in this literary critical analysis This period in early modern English literature is marked by a redefinition of what it means to be British, and close readings of the texts reveal обьыэ Spenser's developing (and ambivalent) sense of Irishness and Shakespeare's alleged Catholic recusancy The relationship between biographical details and imagina

Book DescriptionThe harmonies of the Fisk Jubilee Singers, the measured brush strokes of painter Lloyd Branson, the intricate basket weaving of Maggie Murphy, the influence of the Agrarian literary movement, and the theater barnstorming of actor-manager Sol Smithsuch are the sounds, images, and expressions of Tennessees arts legacy обььд Through its interlocking themes of tradition and innovation, A History of Tennessee Arts: Creating Traditions, Expanding Horizons traces the story of the artsin Tennessee f